22 March 2007

Documenting Reflective Thoughts

I begin this post with a comment to anyone - if anyone else is reading this. A this point my blog will most likely take a change in audience, and therefore writing style. The audience is myself, and therefore the writing possibly disjointed and brief comments rather than in-depth explanations. In fact, spelling and grammar are not a focus, more-so is the documentation of my thoughts at the time. So, if you happen across this place, feel free to dip in and view. Just be aware, I am writing to myself (is that considered crazy like talking to yourself? I guess not, or else everyone who keeps a personal diary is crazy!).

It's end of week 7. I have not written a reflection since week one. I still feel that I'm just one step ahead of myself. This'll be enough to survive a relatively positive year, but not enough, I think, to get to the end of the year and feel truly satisfied with myself.

Ideology and reality are constant tensions, but often we need extreme ideals to move us out of a complacent reality. I can do better than I am. I can plan further ahead. I can try to experiment with ideas. I can, I can, I can.

I don't like the feeling of being just one step ahead, one day in front planned. It doesn't give me time to indulge in creative and ideal thoughts about improving my teaching.

Plan simple to allow time to think ahead? Reality tries to slip in and reminds me that even simple planning is time-consuming at the moment. My release days seem to fly past with not much substantial [planning] gain.

I think I need to jot my thoughts down more regularly. It's therapy. Seven weeks is way too long. Too many things to think about now. OK, fresh leaf. Start from now. It's like the value of taking just 5 minutes in the morning to pray/meditate. It doesn't often give you grand 'enlightenment' for the day, but is definitely good for the soul and keeps your spirit in the sky while feet on the ground!

Here's to time for reflecting! "Planning is everything, The Plan is nothing."

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