So here we are, first day completed and first week (albiet three days) completed. Not only did I survive but I feel at home in my own class and am enjoying the group of students that make up 'room 3'.
What went well?
Despite the build up of anxiety over the previous weeks, the sense that I have 'no resources', beginning to think ahead to next week already... all my planning worked out and we began, bit by bit, setting up our routines (Some of which I begin to implement as the need becomes apparent).
It's kind of like getting used to a new pair of shoes rather than trying to fit someone elses. There are aspects that feel quite uncomfortable, but at least I know that with more 'wear' the shoes will fit so much better than me trying to be someone else.
The other thing I've realised is that now I'm in-the-thick-of-it, it's not so bad as some of my previous fears. And even though many had said it'd be alright, it's kind of like when you have a newborn child and people say "just wait about six weeks and things will begin to get a lot better" - true advice, but not really of much help when you're in the 'shock - this is a reality that I'm not sure of yet' stage.
Where to next?
Well, it took me weeks to get ready for the first three days, now I've got a day to get ready for next week (yes I am in on Sunday). The next difficulty I'm facing is starting to put in place group planning for reading. I have sorted some groups based on previous PAT results, but now need to get some things underway that will last more than one day. My one consulation that keeps my fears down is that last week turned out ok having been planned. And once that specific plan is in place, then things become much clearer.
So today's goal is to break things down into parts, prioritise, and get the planning completed (I think I'm getting better at making lists now?). Look at that timetable and take one bite at a time. Next week's reflection will be able to report on my success.
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