22 April 2007

Don't forget - Pat on the back

I've had a few people ask me if I'm enjoying my work at the moment - and I'm actually finding it a difficult question to answer. I'm not disliking it, it's just that things are quite overwhelming at times that I don't seem to take time to focus on the good stuff that's happening. There's always things that can be improved, and more-so when starting out.

One thing I've been down-playing to myself is getting involved in doing out-of-the-ordinary stuff, some of the cool things I'd like to give a go and integrate with my teaching. The reason behind it is that I want to get some good solid foundations right - particulalry in the key areas of maths and literacy. However, like I stated earlier, things can always be improved, so when is the time to start implementing the extra bells and whistles? Something for me to tamper with this term possibly.

One thing is the possibility of producing podcasts relating to the learning going on in our classroom. We had some great group presentations on the last day of term for our science topic on estuary eco-systems. I think, if I get moving pretty soon, put something together with some of my students to record their learning for others (such as parents, students, teachers) to view.

Anyway, back to the difficultly of answering 'am I enjoying it'. I have to give myself a pat on the back, believe it when people say I'm doing a good job and take time to reflect on and celebrate my successes, rather than only reflecting on improvements I need to make.

Pat, pat, pat - there you go Rob!