11 July 2007

Term Three Start Up

Just noticed it's been a few weeks. My last note mentioned my sore wisdom tooth. Well today I'm getting it out. Making use of my holidays :-)

As I look to my initial planning for this term I'm thinking...

• I'm one quarter through my provisional registration (thanks Raewyn)

• I think things may in fact possibly get less overwhelming (maybe coming to the end side of the 'new baby, things will settle in after a few weeks' stage

• Each term sees me restructuring my timetable format for maths and reading (this time maths I feel a bit better about, just need to still make some independent resources to support the programme)

Reading - I want to develop some routines for individual conferencing, both to help students think more about their own learning, and for me to keep better track of where they're at.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:50 pm

    You are well on the way to becoming a fully fledged teacher - remember how we spoke of the path to feeling competent in 903.701 [Assessment]? Or was that with another class?? So you have changed the timetable - so what. Flexibility is part of planning and reflecting [and reacting] to the joys of teaching. Regards, MrK
