11 August 2006

Lessons from Practicum 2/5

Sharing Learning Intentions and Student Reflections on Learning
Often, when comparing my time at university with actual school teaching experiences, I have found a lack of links between theory and practice. On this occasion however I saw a fine example of what I had heard talked about, actually being done!

My associate teacher was a firm proponent of sharing ‘targets’ or learning intentions at the beginning of each lesson. He then ensured that students regularly involved themselves in reflective questioning as part of his plenary (ending of a lesson).

I have since read more research about the sharing of learning intentions as part of formative assessment. An excellent book for this is:
Clarke, S., Timperley, H., & Hattie, J. (2003). Unlocking formative assessment: Practical strategies for enhancing students' learning in the primary and intermediate classroom (1st NZ ed.). Auckland: Hodder Moa Beckett Publishers Ltd.
Seven possible reflective questions used were:
  • What was your learning intention today?
  • What’s something new you learnt today?
  • Did you ask inquisitive questions?
  • What skills could you improve?
  • What did you find difficult?
  • What did you enjoy about the session?
  • What would you change if we repeated the activity/lesson?
These were often used in the form of students first thinking about the answer to themselves, and then sharing back
  1. Think (to self) 30seconds
  2. Pair (tell partner) 60seconds
  3. Share (whole class) 90seconds

Lessons from Practicum 1/5

YES - This is me!
This practicum was just a few weeks into the beginning of my study. In all honesty, there would have been a lot going on that I wasn’t even capable of seriously observing due to my lack of understanding about what to really look for.

However, the one key thing I gained from this particular experience (with a year 4/5 class) was that YES! This is what I want to do. And that is obviously a very important conclusion to come to early on in my training.

Lessons from Practicum: Intro

I have now completed all five teaching experiences that my education degree course requires. Not only do these provide a multitude of opportunities to both observe and practise teaching and learning, I have found each one has had one significant aspect of teaching that has come to the forefront of my thinking and personal reflection.

So, following this introduction will be a description of one key thing I gained from each of my five practicum.