21 July 2008

Posting for Podcasting

I'm in the process of trying to work out how to record and upload audio for podcasting in a way that can appear both in a blog, and as an 'iTunes' podcast listing.

When reading on the blog, I thought you could just click on the title of the post to hear the audio - but not so sure though.

To subscribe to this particular blog in iTunes, you'd need to choose Advanced/Subscribe to podcast feed.  The feed address would be feed://fullmarks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

15 July 2008

Social Engineering

I'm looking forward to term 3 (I think).

A big concern for me this year has not been so much over my programme, but the social make-up of my class. As I reflected on in previous entries, it has been a struggle to have students working together as a team.

Now that they've had two terms getting to know how each other works, and with me setting a variety of desk placements, I am giving them opportunity to have a bit more of a say as to where they might sit to best suit their learning.

Each student filled out a form
  1. Would you prefer to sit ... on your own, with 2 or 3 people, a larger group
  2. Name two people who you would work well with
  3. Name one person you would not work well with

Some interesting results. Three 'soloists' and the rest split between small and large groups. So I've rearranged the desks. I wait with anticipation to see how the dynamics may or may not change.

11 July 2008

Mac Journal

I’m trying out a new software program called ‘MacJournal’. I can keep my own reflections or journal entries on my own computer, and post to my blog the ones I wish - I think.